PUT api/Property
Adds a property if its unique ID has not been indexed before, otherwise updates the existing entry.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
From a query to the database
PropertyResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
AddressSingleLine |
Full adddress of the property |
string |
None. |
Aida1 |
Attention Interest Desire Action 1 |
string |
None. |
Aida2 |
Attention Interest Desire Action 2 |
string |
None. |
ApproxRentalValue |
Approximate rental value. |
decimal number |
None. |
AvailableDate |
The date by which a property is available for viewings. |
date |
None. |
Bedrooms |
Number of bedrooms; can be zero for studio flats, Land or Other. |
integer |
None. |
Brand |
Brand associated with the property, e.g. haart. |
string |
Required |
Characteristics |
Features of the property. |
Collection of PropertyCharacteristicResult |
None. |
CouncilTaxBand | string |
None. |
County |
Address county. |
string |
None. |
Created |
Time the property entity was first created. |
date |
None. |
DateReduced |
If set, the time at which value of the property was most recently reduced. |
date |
None. |
DevelopmentId |
If a property is part of a development then this is the ID that can be used to find the development. |
string |
None. |
EpcUrl |
URL to the Energy Performance Certificate. |
string |
None. |
GrossYield |
Gross yield. |
decimal number |
None. |
HasFloorPlan |
Whether a floorplan is associated to this property. |
boolean |
None. |
Id |
The database ID. |
integer |
None. |
Images |
Property images. |
Collection of PropertyImageResult |
None. |
IsChainFree |
Whether this property is chain free. |
boolean |
None. |
IsComingSoon |
Set when the property is not yet available to buy or rent but there is some detail to register interest. |
boolean |
None. |
IsConfidential |
Set when the property is confidential but there is limited information to register interest. |
boolean |
None. |
IsFeatured |
Whether the property should be featured in search results. |
boolean |
None. |
IsFurnished |
Whether this property is known to be furnished. |
boolean |
None. |
IsHotProperty |
Whether this is a hot property. |
boolean |
None. |
IsOnline |
Whether the property should be returned from search results. |
boolean |
None. |
IsPoa |
Whether POA should be displayed instead of the selling price. |
boolean |
None. |
IsPurchase |
True: for sale, false: for rent. |
boolean |
Required |
IsReserved |
Is the property reserved? |
boolean |
None. |
IsStc |
Sold Subject to Contract? |
boolean |
None. |
IsWales |
Whether the property is located to Wales. |
boolean |
None. |
Latitude |
Latitude position. |
decimal number |
None. |
LongDescription |
Long description. |
string |
None. |
Longitude |
Longitude position. |
decimal number |
None. |
OfficeId |
The branch managing the property. |
string |
Required |
OpenDay |
The Open Day details; these were mapped from the <see cref="P:Spicerhaart.PropertyIndexer.Models.PropertyResult.OverlayImage">overlay image</see>, but can be explicitly set here. |
OpenDay |
None. |
OverlayImage |
Old image reference that is mapped to dynamic labels. |
string |
None. |
OwnershipTypes |
The types of ownership available. |
Collection of integer |
None. |
PdfUrl |
URL of the PDF. |
string |
None. |
PostCode |
Address postcode. |
string |
None. |
PropertySummary |
Summary of the property. |
string |
None. |
PropertyType |
ID of the property type, e.g. bungalow. |
integer |
None. |
PropertyTypeText |
Alternate property type name (e.g. apartment instead of flat) |
string |
None. |
ReferenceId |
Unique reference ID containing e.g. the original brand, which can be used for searching. |
string |
None. |
RentalDeposit | string |
None. |
SellingPrice |
The selling price if this property is for sale. |
decimal number |
None. |
SellingPriceNote |
A note about the selling price, e.g. "Offers in excess of". |
string |
None. |
SeoUrl |
Search Engine Optimisation URL. |
string |
None. |
ShortAddress |
Address shown in the details of a property. Often includes the road name but not e.g. the house number/name. |
string |
None. |
ShortDescription |
Short description. |
string |
None. |
SoldDate |
If set, the date on which this property was sold. |
date |
None. |
StaffId |
The ID of the staff member managing this property. |
integer |
None. |
TenureDetails | TenureDetails |
None. |
TenureType |
Tneure type if this property is for rent. |
integer |
None. |
Town |
Address town. |
string |
None. |
UniqueId |
Unique ID, used as a PIN for sellers to add their properties in the my haart account section. |
string |
Required |
Updated |
When the details were last updated. |
date |
None. |
VideoId |
ID of the YouTube video. |
string |
None. |
VideoTourUrl |
URL to the audio agent tour. |
string |
None. |
Viewings |
Number of viewings. |
integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "AddressSingleLine": "sample string 1", "ApproxRentalValue": 1.0, "AvailableDate": "2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00", "Aida1": "sample string 2", "Aida2": "sample string 3", "PropertyTypeText": "sample string 4", "Characteristics": [ { "Description": "sample string 1", "Sequence": 1, "Title": "sample string 2" }, { "Description": "sample string 1", "Sequence": 1, "Title": "sample string 2" } ], "Created": "2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00", "DateReduced": "2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00", "EpcUrl": "sample string 5", "GrossYield": 1.0, "HasFloorPlan": true, "IsFurnished": true, "Images": [ { "Description": "sample string 1", "Filename": "sample string 2" }, { "Description": "sample string 1", "Filename": "sample string 2" } ], "IsChainFree": true, "IsComingSoon": true, "IsConfidential": true, "IsFeatured": true, "IsHotProperty": true, "IsOnline": true, "IsPoa": true, "IsStc": true, "IsWales": true, "IsReserved": true, "LongDescription": "sample string 13", "OpenDay": { "WeekDay": 0, "StartTime": "00:00:00.1234567", "EndTime": "00:00:00.1234567" }, "OverlayImage": "sample string 14", "OwnershipTypes": [ 1, 2 ], "PdfUrl": "sample string 15", "PropertySummary": "sample string 16", "ReferenceId": "sample string 17", "SellingPriceNote": "sample string 18", "ShortDescription": "sample string 19", "TenureType": 1, "Updated": "2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00", "SeoUrl": "sample string 20", "StaffId": 1, "VideoId": "sample string 21", "VideoTourUrl": "sample string 22", "Viewings": 23, "DevelopmentId": "sample string 24", "CouncilTaxBand": "sample string 25", "RentalDeposit": "sample string 26", "TenureDetails": { "TenureType": "sample string 1", "CurrentGroundRent": "sample string 2", "GroundRentReviewPeriod": "sample string 3", "CurrentServiceCharge": "sample string 4", "ServiceChargeReviewPeriod": "sample string 5", "LeaseExpiryYear": "sample string 6", "SharedOwnership": "sample string 7", "SharedOwnershipRent": "sample string 8", "SharedOwnershipPercentage": "sample string 9", "SharedOwnershipRentPeriod": "sample string 10" }, "Bedrooms": 1, "Brand": "sample string 27", "County": "sample string 28", "Id": 29, "IsPurchase": true, "Latitude": 1.1, "Longitude": 1.1, "OfficeId": "sample string 31", "PostCode": "sample string 32", "PropertyType": 33, "SellingPrice": 1.0, "ShortAddress": "sample string 34", "SoldDate": "2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00", "Town": "sample string 35", "UniqueId": "sample string 36" }
application/xml, text/xml
<PropertyResult xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Spicerhaart.PropertyIndexer.Models"> <Bedrooms>1</Bedrooms> <Brand>sample string 27</Brand> <County>sample string 28</County> <Id>29</Id> <IsPurchase>true</IsPurchase> <Latitude>1.1</Latitude> <Longitude>1.1</Longitude> <OfficeId>sample string 31</OfficeId> <PostCode>sample string 32</PostCode> <PropertyType>33</PropertyType> <SellingPrice>1</SellingPrice> <ShortAddress>sample string 34</ShortAddress> <SoldDate>2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00</SoldDate> <Town>sample string 35</Town> <UniqueId>sample string 36</UniqueId> <AddressSingleLine>sample string 1</AddressSingleLine> <Aida1>sample string 2</Aida1> <Aida2>sample string 3</Aida2> <ApproxRentalValue>1</ApproxRentalValue> <AvailableDate>2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00</AvailableDate> <Characteristics> <PropertyCharacteristicResult> <Description>sample string 1</Description> <Sequence>1</Sequence> <Title>sample string 2</Title> </PropertyCharacteristicResult> <PropertyCharacteristicResult> <Description>sample string 1</Description> <Sequence>1</Sequence> <Title>sample string 2</Title> </PropertyCharacteristicResult> </Characteristics> <CouncilTaxBand>sample string 25</CouncilTaxBand> <Created>2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00</Created> <DateReduced>2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00</DateReduced> <DevelopmentId>sample string 24</DevelopmentId> <EpcUrl>sample string 5</EpcUrl> <GrossYield>1</GrossYield> <HasFloorPlan>true</HasFloorPlan> <Images> <PropertyImageResult> <Description>sample string 1</Description> <Filename>sample string 2</Filename> </PropertyImageResult> <PropertyImageResult> <Description>sample string 1</Description> <Filename>sample string 2</Filename> </PropertyImageResult> </Images> <IsChainFree>true</IsChainFree> <IsComingSoon>true</IsComingSoon> <IsConfidential>true</IsConfidential> <IsFeatured>true</IsFeatured> <IsFurnished>true</IsFurnished> <IsHotProperty>true</IsHotProperty> <IsOnline>true</IsOnline> <IsPoa>true</IsPoa> <IsReserved>true</IsReserved> <IsStc>true</IsStc> <IsWales>true</IsWales> <LongDescription>sample string 13</LongDescription> <OpenDay xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Spicerhaart.PropertySearch.Models"> <d2p1:EndTime>PT0.1234567S</d2p1:EndTime> <d2p1:StartTime>PT0.1234567S</d2p1:StartTime> <d2p1:WeekDay>Sunday</d2p1:WeekDay> </OpenDay> <OverlayImage>sample string 14</OverlayImage> <OwnershipTypes xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays"> <d2p1:int>1</d2p1:int> <d2p1:int>2</d2p1:int> </OwnershipTypes> <PdfUrl>sample string 15</PdfUrl> <PropertySummary>sample string 16</PropertySummary> <PropertyTypeText>sample string 4</PropertyTypeText> <ReferenceId>sample string 17</ReferenceId> <RentalDeposit>sample string 26</RentalDeposit> <SellingPriceNote>sample string 18</SellingPriceNote> <SeoUrl>sample string 20</SeoUrl> <ShortDescription>sample string 19</ShortDescription> <StaffId>1</StaffId> <TenureDetails xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Spicerhaart.PropertySearch.Models"> <d2p1:CurrentGroundRent>sample string 2</d2p1:CurrentGroundRent> <d2p1:CurrentServiceCharge>sample string 4</d2p1:CurrentServiceCharge> <d2p1:GroundRentReviewPeriod>sample string 3</d2p1:GroundRentReviewPeriod> <d2p1:LeaseExpiryYear>sample string 6</d2p1:LeaseExpiryYear> <d2p1:ServiceChargeReviewPeriod>sample string 5</d2p1:ServiceChargeReviewPeriod> <d2p1:SharedOwnership>sample string 7</d2p1:SharedOwnership> <d2p1:SharedOwnershipPercentage>sample string 9</d2p1:SharedOwnershipPercentage> <d2p1:SharedOwnershipRent>sample string 8</d2p1:SharedOwnershipRent> <d2p1:SharedOwnershipRentPeriod>sample string 10</d2p1:SharedOwnershipRentPeriod> <d2p1:TenureType>sample string 1</d2p1:TenureType> </TenureDetails> <TenureType>1</TenureType> <Updated>2025-01-18T05:11:58.3911475+00:00</Updated> <VideoId>sample string 21</VideoId> <VideoTourUrl>sample string 22</VideoTourUrl> <Viewings>23</Viewings> </PropertyResult>
Response Information
Resource Description
HttpResponseMessageName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Content | HttpContent |
None. |
Headers | Collection of Object |
None. |
IsSuccessStatusCode | boolean |
None. |
ReasonPhrase | string |
None. |
RequestMessage | HttpRequestMessage |
None. |
StatusCode | HttpStatusCode |
None. |
Version | Version |
None. |